Burgess is a Psychotherapist, Reiki Practitioner, Teacher, and Meditation
Instructor with more than 20 years experience working with individuals and groups for the treatment of Childhood Issues, Mental,
Emotional, Physical and Sexual Abuse, Addictions/Chemical Dependency, Depression, Family and Relationship conflict, Grief
Counseling, Adoption Related Issues, Body Image, easing Physical dis-ease and Mindfulness living. Her client base ages range
from 12 to 60.
completed her own required individual therapy and training as a Psychotherapist at the Transformational Arts College in Toronto.
She also holds a Masters’ Degree Certification in Reiki , and has created, co-ordinated and facilitated mindful meditation
courses. She has studied Psychology, Religion and Philosophy to enhance her practice
and to be of service to her clients various philosophical, cultural, religious and belief systems.
Holistic approach to wellness takes into consideration her client as a whole and utilizes techniques that address the mental,
emotional, physical and spiritual needs of her clients. She offers Individual Adult and Teen Psychotherapy and Reiki.